Wednesday, October 26, 2011

2 months post big chop

So I am about two months post my big chop and I have to say, it has not been as bad as I anticipated. I am pretty impressed with myself so far, I've been very attentive to the needs of my hair. I really love my kinky curly hair and it is just perfect. I am so in love. Ok so I will recap my last two months. I've straightened once and wash n go'd just about every other day. Thats it...

So length check: I am right on par with my length retention. I hope to continue to retain length. It is about time to get a trim!!! In the meantim, check my pic! I will post curly pics at a later date, yes I am a horrible curly but its all good! I got this!

To you other curlies, be encouraged, it is not that hard. The journey is much worth it. The journey to healthy hair is so rewarding and I wouldn't trade it for a thing...


  1. I so want to read your blog but it is just impossible with a black background and gray letters. Its very hard on the eyes. I hope you would reconsider the design ang just get something that is readable.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion! Working on it immediately!


Thanks Phenomenal ladies for showing love. What's on your mind?