Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday

Presenting me!

Happy Birthday to Me! I am 23. In honor of today, I am going to give myself a motivational talk to propel into my 23rd year. My motivation is going to be a list of 23 things I love about myself. I am doing this because we often focus on the things we need to improve on instead of the things we love about ourselves. I don't know about the rest of you but I am my own worst critic. I get down on myself about the smallest things so today, I am going to be my biggest cheerleader!

I love...
1. My smile. Smiling is infectious. I know my smile keeps me going and it helps me through some of my worst days.
2. My hair. Yes I love my natural hair. It is one of the things I take pride in because it is a journey I have stuck with through the good and the bad. My hair is flourishing because I am finally learning to take care of it. -I am loving it!
3. My health-I am at my prime and I am in excellent health. Even though I don't work out like I am supposed to, I still remain active most days of the week with only a day or two of rest.
4. My ambition-I am truly a little lady with big dreams. Even though I have had a tough few months, I can still dream big and know that my dreams will come true!
5. My work ethic-When I work, I go hard. It can be the smallest thing but if I say I am going to do it, I surely will. When doing small jobs, people ask why I go above and beyond. Simply put, because I can!
6. My resilience-My S.O hates that I bounce back so easily. He worries that I don't spend enough time dealing with my present feelings. Which, I don't. But being resilient helps me keep going through the hard times. I can deal with emotions later!
7. My feet- I used to be self conscious about my feet until I got to college. I didn't realize how cute they were until I starting keeping them polished and pedicured. I think the pedicures help with the mental part!
8. My relationship with God- Though it could be better, I value the fact that I have a relationship with God. He is the light of my life and my all.
9. My discernment- I've been told that I have good energy/a good aura. With that being said, I value my sense of discernment. I am extremely sociable but I also know where to draw the line with people. I can sense a negative person out within 2 minutes of meeting them. This is how I can keep my life so intact because negativity does not exist by choice.
Can I just say that this a harder than I thought? I am going to make it through it though!
10. My compassion-I love people a little too much. I will give a bum on the street the shirt off my back or my last dollar. I have done it before.
11. My will to live- I have a pretty adventurous life compared to where I come from. I don't let any limits keep me from traveling or pursuing a new endeavor. Life is short, live while you can!
12. My love of adventure- Every year since I started college, I have been to a new state. I have been to The Big Apple, California, Las Vegas, Miami and a few other states that have beaches. By far, Vegas has been a highlight. I won some money too!
13. My hustle- I have survived working 3 jobs on a daily basis. Enough said about that one...
14. My personality- I never meet a stranger. I have always been known as a social butterfly and I live up to that. If you ever see me on the streets, be prepared to learn a little something about me before you leave. I love talking to people. Even if people give me bad vibes, I will still find something to chat with them about if I have to be around them for extended periods of time (coworkers that is...)
15. My love of learning-I like to learn about people's backgrounds, cultures, habits etc. I love learning about people. I love learning about anything. I just love learning. I always asked about people's whereabouts because I am always interesting in other people's experiences. Experiences shape people.
16. My life experiences- Despite the bad, I have come to appreciate everything that I have been through in my 23 years. They have all made me who I am today.
17. My networking skills-I love to network. I am in a very malleable stage in my life so my network comes in handy when I am interested in finding out different careers, lifestyles etc.
18. My photogenic-ness- I love to take pictures! When I had Facebook, I had thousands of pictures. I told you, I love my smile!
19. My intelligence- I have to say, I am brains just as much as beauty. I can figure out how to navigate my way through just about anything!
20. My listening ear-Though this gets draining sometimes, I do appreciate the fact that I can be called on when my friends need me. My friends know that I am always a call away no matter the time, day, or event.
21. My vivacious spirit- Most people will never see me frown. My old boss told me the other day that no matter what is going on, he has never seen me with a frown on my face. I think I pick myself up just as much as a friend can.
22. My elegance and grace- Though clumsy, which I always use as a humorous introduction, I carry myself with elegance and grace at all times, unless I trip and fall on my face...which has been done several times in my life, in front of a lot of people (I like to make people laugh)
23. My confidence- I love a lot about myself and I am not afraid to show it. I've been asked be some people that I grew up with, how I keep my confidence through the good and bad. And here is my secret...I remember that no matter what happens, I come out of every situation victorious and more prepared for the next battle. With God on my side, I can do all through Christ who strengthens me!

That's my Birthday gift to myself! I think once a year of doting on the positives goes a long way!


Thanks Phenomenal ladies for showing love. What's on your mind?